Londres - Madrid - Barcelona
The firm was founded last century in Madrid, Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca in 1989 under the brand name Relaciones Públicas Empresariales Barquero & Asociados. Thirty-one years later in 2021, the firm changes the name of its brand with a new acronym and incorporation of a greater number of professionals to provide better and more service. Renaming itself SER. Strategic Economic Relations with offices in London, Madrid and Barcelona. Our specialists have advised on numerous operations and campaigns at the highest level and in different countries and are considered the best of their kind.
We are a strategic consulting firm with a global reach that was born in the USA and later founded in Spain years later. We solve problems that any institution, company or political party may have with its audiences and markets on which it depends to achieve its goals, since with their support nothing can fail.
It is significant to point out that the firm was born with the support and help of two important people. The American, Professor Dr. Edward L. Bernays Freud, a world pioneer in Public Relations and advisor to U.S. presidents, as well as to businessmen and world top companies. Also the British Professor Dr. Sir. Sam Black, world expert in Public Relations and advisor to H.M. the Queen of England, who introduced in Europe Bernays' teachings and his own as a top consultant.
Dr. Edward Bernays Freud.
- Advisor to the Casablanca and US Presidents.
- Considered by "LIFE" magazine as one of the most influential people in the world.

Edward Bernays Freud, Ph.D., was an academic and scientist dedicated to the investigation of the Social Sciences; as a result of his work as a consultant, he created and defined the profession of Public Relations, giving it an academic, technical and practical body. In 1923, he was the first to publish a book on Public Relations (the science of interpreting and understanding publics) and to give a lecture on this scientific discipline at New York University. With him was born a profession specialized in understanding the public and interpreting them to their clients, in order to persuade them, benefiting both parties.
As a business consultant specialized in Public Relations, he was defined by LIFE magazine as one of the most influential people of the 20th century. He advised clients such as Presidents of the United States, such as Coolidge, Wilson, Hoover and Eisenhower; businessmen such as Rockefeller, Edison, Ford, first class companies in the oil sector, construction, jewelry, armament. He directed important campaigns for governments of different countries. He refused to work for Franco, Hitler and Somoza.
Academically, he graduated as an engineer from Cornell University and was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by various universities around the world, which recognize his contributions to this scientific discipline, Public Relations. Author of 20 books and more than 1,500 articles, his contributions are of international reference and influence all areas of communication, commerce, industry, education, culture and politics. Our Managing Director, Dr. Barquero worked with him from the late 1980s until Bernays passed away.
"Public Relations Pioneer and Advisor to U.S. Presidents."
Doctor Sam Black.
- Pioneer in Europe of Public Relations.
- Founding member of IPRA - International Public Relations Association.

Sam Black, Ph.D., was chosen as one of the most important leaders in Public Relations in the world by the readers of PR News of New York in 1984. Professor Sam Black has been an honorary professor of Public Relations at leading universities around the world, including the University of Stirling (Scotland), the University of Alabama (USA) and Xian University (China), among others.
Awarded the gold medal on several occasions throughout his life by such important entities in the world of Public Relations as the Arab Public Relations Society in 1990, the European Public Relations Confederation in 1970 and 1992, the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations in 1990 and the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), of which he was a founding member, Secretary General and President, as well as a member of the jury of the IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence in 1990 and 1991. Honored by the Queen of England. Our Director General, Dr. Barquero worked with him from 1990 until the death of Sam Black.
"Decorated by H.M. The Queen of England, Elizabeth II."